Sunday, August 06, 2006

Yet Another Reason I Love Houston

White Linen Night in the Heights . . . If you're a quirky little community open to lots more personal expression than Main Street, you still need a bit of commerce to keep the doors in that perpetual state of openness. And so, the Heights regularly invites the rest of Houston to peek in at all that makes them unique. A community-wide cocktail party is the result. Galleries, shops with dust collectors and antique stores add wine and edibles to their offerings and live music plays in the streets.

Roger, Stan and I decided at the last minute that this was my prescription for overcoming a rather down day. We were right!

I mean who wouldn't feel better after hearing Elvis-wannabes deliver a decent blues sound, watching young black women body painting young (and might I just say 'beautiful') black men as angels with pecs, and discovering that one shop was harboring a 102-year-old celebrity . . .but I don't actually know why everyone wanted his autograph.

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