Tuesday, March 07, 2006

The Time Has Come

Feels to me like this blog is over. I have thoroughly enjoyed the experience but other new adventures await and I'm not able to give this the time I have in the past. If you're a friend who chooses to stay in touch via the blog, I PROMISE I respond promptly to all emails. If you are a stranger who dropped in on me now and again, I wouldn't mind getting to know you as well. All emails are welcomed. My address is kc04@houston.rr.com.

blessings on you all . . .


beholdhowfree said...

No way! Yours is seriously one of the few blogs I love to read. I understand though. I will miss it!

Anonymous said...

wow...you could have just deleted it and pissed everyone off...but...that HAS been done before...

anyway...i guess i'll have to walk ALL the way down to your office and chat with you...


Finding the Happy said...

Blessings on your journey my friend.

Anonymous said...

Wailing, hissing, booing, gnawing my own flesh, gnashing of teeth, mourning, grieving, where do I send the flowers????

I'll miss this blog, Karen, it's one of the finest, really. It was like an oasis for me in the internet desert of horrible blogs that number like the sands of the sea.

I can't believe it's over. I wasn't finished reading you.

Andrew Jones said...

starting a new blog?

or is it time to crank this one up again?