Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Nine Months In . . .

Nine months into this adventure and I have to smile that in many ways I'm back where I started.

I have a home I love. (That's the reason there's been no blogging for a while. I've been moving.) Slightly bigger than where I was and definitely more expensive and yet I feel the "rightness" of this space in every corner, on every art-filled wall.

I have friends that love and support me without question and sometime without reason but they do. (They were terrific in the second-of-two-moves-in-less-than-two-months whirlwind of last week. I did learn that to be truly good to your friends who have been truly good to you, it's best to pay for movers to haul big ass furniture!)

I have work that may not be exactly right for me but pleases me when I do well. AND I'm surrounded by incredibly talented individuals from whom I can learn much and am doing so!

I wonder what will be around the next corner . . .

I'm now back to exercising. I have the Food Network once again and plan on experimenting in my new kitchen (not as fancy as the old apartment but spacious and with seats for whoever wants to assist or chat).

I'm working on being in the kind of relationship that's healthy, if not perfect. And the work has its rewards.

So . . . with the "year of adventure" now more behind than in front of me, am I better for it? ABSOLUTELY! Do I know exactly what it was for and what I've learned? Nope. Still processsing . . .

Stay tuned.


Anonymous said...

I saw this bumper sticker just for you, or maybe your friends. "Yes,it's my truck, no, I won't help you move!"

Finding the Happy said...

After 9 months of gestation, do you feel like you've given birth?