Sunday, August 09, 2009

A Day with J and J

"What do you enjoy doing?"


"And you're so good at it!"

Laughter follows. That would be Julia Child, her husband Paul and me as I watched Meryl Streep capture a moment in time with perfect joy.

I love a good guffaw and I had several watching the new flick that features one of my all-time favorite subjects -- food. The pursuit of passion warms my heart and I was aflame tracking the ups and downs of two cook/authors rise to public attention.

I walked away most inspired by the fact that (a) Julia didn't find success in the field in which we know her best until she was well into her 40s if not 50s. And (b) Julie started her first steps toward fame with a lowly blog.

While I believe the time of the obscure writer being plucked for book deals straight off the Internet are waning if not already passed, I do hold onto the hope that I have a decade to realize my potential and could still enjoy several other decades of professional fulfillment.

I just need to figure out what I enjoy doing ... other than eating, because I think Julia mastered the art of that one!

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