Thursday, January 04, 2007

Am I the Only One Who Thinks . . .

  • If you're successful enough to be interviewed for an article on the status of something in your field you should come up with something better than "I'll be happy when we have more than just prom songs to Jesus sung by some effeminate guy on an acoustic guitar." Plllleeezeee . . . how much practice does it take to become that offensive? (see Relevant magazine's latest issue and certain Seatle pastor's response if you want details)
  • If 1 comment is left on a blog shouldn't it say 1 comment rather than 1 comments?
  • Rainy days should be deemed the same as snow days and everyone should get to go home early?
  • The spam folks using scripture in their subject lines are playing with hellfire?
  • No one has yet to replace the emotional impact (read that sex appeal) of Barry White singing?!


some chick said...

Plllleeezeee . . . how much practice does it take to become that offensive? (see Relevant magazine's latest issue and certain Seatle pastor's response if you want details)

oh dear god... do i really want to?

Finding the Happy said...

In order of appearance:

no, being and showing one's ass does not take practice, but flows freely most of the time

yes...obviously Blogger does not understand the concept of singular vs. plural

yes, especially in Houston when rainy days means 12-24 inches of rain in any given morning or afternoon

spam folks...playing with hellfire on many levels, the least of which is quoting scripture

and never will...Barry White was the KING...Teddy Pendergrass, Marvin Gaye, Luther Vandross came close...isn't it odd...they are all dead...what a heavenly choir!

Anonymous said...


i'm into meta-success irony: the publication which deemed such a person to be successful enuff for an interview is not successful enuff for me to read.

thank you.

Gary Long said...

I like to sing Barry White, but somehow I get no where w/ my woman when I sing, "Come here dark and lovely."

Is it my singing or my song choice?

I wonder.

Who determines how successful religious-type-people are? Like that absurd list of the 50 most influential church in America. That's BS in my opinion.

I love rainy days, I get more productive then.

Just because you care about tense, number, and person, doesn't mean that anyone else on this blog does. And believe me, very few care about grammar. That's a major downside to the blog, imho.

And, finally, who isn't playing with hellfire when citing scripture?

My answeres are out of order to your questions, sorry.