Sunday, March 13, 2005

Two Steps in the Right Direction

I began the day with a walk and I ended it with one.

The AIDS Walk this year was blessed with perfect weather. Clouds kept it cool but the sun would shine forth at just the right moment to highlight the sea of T-shirt colors. No clearly lined rainbows here . . . just the kinds of splashes of color to suggest a whirlwind in a Sherman Williams store.

Tonight as the sun was slowly lowering behind the towering evergreens surrounding the labyrinth, I walked with my community of faith. Round and round we went . . . they for the first time, me as guide. I've walked indoors and out, on crude and uneven paths and sans shoes on canvas. And the labyrinth never fails to calm me, move me, generate new thoughts and prepare me to return to my day in day out journey.

God, I'm grateful for a life that encompasses the diversity of this day.

1 comment:

Finding the Happy said...

There is a mysterious peace in exiting as you entered.